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July 9, 2024
2 Min Read

Move More, Jiggle Less

The 80/20 Rule

While we are on the subject of weight loss, it would be negligent not to mention the important impact of daily exercise. Dietary associated considerations such as meal composition (plant-based), meal timing, and caloric intake are the biggest hitters with regard to weight loss, but exercise is thought to account for about 20 percent of weight loss.


Start Slow, Continue to Improve

Exercise can be enjoyable. Walking is a great form of exercise that most people can tolerate very well. Avoid the mindset that you have to increase exercise intensity to a very high level. This is a recipe for injury. Take things nice and easy at first. Increase your walking pace as your body adjusts to the activity. Be aware of warning signs your body is sending. Sore joints need to be addressed. If pain persists for a week after a bout of exercise, you may have to back off on intensity. Only increase intensity if your body tolerates it. More intense exercise will burn more calories, but sustaining an injury may stop exercise altogether.


A Level to Shoot For

Let’s say you want to lose more than two inches from your waist. How much exercise do you need to perform to get this done? Perhaps less than you would think. Studies have shown a drastic increase in the probability of reducing your waist by two inches or more when Level 4 exercise is achieved.1 Walking at 2.5 miles per hour for one hour per day will achieve Level 4 (18.2-24.6 MET) exercise. If you’re not there yet, don’t give up! Make steady progress and you will get there! 


1 Balducci, Stefano, et al. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, 2014

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